How To Change Your Body Shape …. Fast!

May 23, 2021 | Fitness

We all know that increases in activity or exercise triggers metabolic changes in our bodies. A recent study shows that even walking briskly for 10mins elevates metabolism for at least an hour.
However, knowing what “type” of exercise creates the greatest beneficial changes to your body is key.

Firstly, ditch traditional aerobic cardio! When I walk into any gym, all I see are people crowding round the cardio equipment. They are all waiting their turn to do a boring 60mins on a treadmill, bike or cross trainer!

What I recommend is much more fun, more time efficient and will get you quick results!

You can improvise this routine to just about any type of exercise, but my favourite is to use a bike ( spin bike / recumbent / upright ) or treadmill or choose body weight exercises like press ups, squats, lunges, squat thrusts, jumps etc….

The key to this training regime is to get your heart rate elevated for short periods of time, followed by a recovery. So be prepared to feel out of breath and work hard!

Here’s what my routine looks like using a bike :

1. Warm up for 3 mins

2. Exercise as hard and fast as possible for 30secs. You should feel like you couldn’t do anymore.

3. Recover for 90secs

4. Repeat the high intensity exercise and recovery for 7 more times

5. Cool down for 2 mins

Try and do this routine approximately 2 or 3 times a week. You’ll soon see body fat drop, muscle tone improve and energy levels increase.
