How To “PLANK” Properly

Jul 1, 2021 | Fitness

I’m not the biggest fan of sit-ups, crunches or most of their variations. Most of my clients come to me and want to improve their core strength, but are obsessed with crunching! Why?
The core does not exist to contract or bend over and over again; it’s there to resist force. We need a strong core in order to maintain a stable torso whilst doing our day to day activities / work / training or playing sports.
I believe that having a strong and stable core with the capacity to resist the influence of outside forces is far more important than having the capacity to perform hundreds of sit-ups!

That’s why the plank is a far more beneficial core exercise. The key is in its name : you’re forming an immovable, rigid plank with your entire body. From toes to head, you must be firm, not bendy.


1. Get in the press up position, but your forearms on the ground, instead of your hands. Elbows line up directly underneath your shoulders. Toes on the ground.
2. Tighten your abdominals and squeeze your glutes.
3. Keep your neck and spine in a neutral position.
4. Create a straight, strong line from head to toe.
5. Hold that position.

Challenge yourself with the duration of the hold – start at 30 seconds and then increase in 15 second increments each time.


1. Don’t let your hips sag down to the ground or pop up towards the ceiling.
2. Look down at the ground. This is a good prompt for keeping a neutral neck position.
3. As soon as your form suffers, stop the exercise.

If you can perform the basic plank, with perfect form, you will experience increases in your core strength and stability.