Effective, healthy weight loss isn’t only due to the simplistic calories in, calories out theory. It’s also not completely reliant on diet and exercise. It’s everything – it’s all the various signals our body receives from the environment that affect how our genes express themselves.
Here are some reasons as to why you may not being losing weight :
1. You think you’re eating healthily, but you’re not!
Does your diet consist of “products”. Low carb or not, you need to eat real food. Get rid of diet drinks, low cal products etc. They are just empty calories and you don’t need them.
2. Watch your carb intake
Reducing carbohydrate is key in weight loss. Avoid all processed foods and sugary foods. You should also try cutting out fruit.
3. You are adding muscle
Don’t get addicted to the scales! They don’t tell the whole story – if you’re exercising, you will be adding lean mass and promoting better bone density etc. Try taking body measurements or keeping track of your body fat instead.
4. You’re not active enough
Make sure you try and do additional activity outside of exercising. Use the stairs instead of the lift, park the car a little further away from your destination and walk etc
5. Chronic cardio
When you stay above 75% of your max heart rate for long periods of time, you burn glycogen. Your body then craves more sugar to replenish lost stores, so you polish of a load of carbs! If you continue to do this, you’ll gain weight, not lose it!
6. You’re not getting enough sleep
Poor sleep patterns, cause the release of cortisol, a fat storing hormone. The biggest spike in fat burning hormones occurs in deep sleep. Try to get 7-8 hours sleep a night.
7. You haven’t given it enough time
21 days is the magic number to stimulate metabolic change. Don’t be de motivated if weight doesn’t come off straight away. Stick with it!